

Encountering Serendipity – Samantha Copeland

Dr. Samantha Copeland came to philosophy through the humanities, graduating at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. She did a Masters of Philosophy at Queen’s University, Ontario and for her PhD dissertation, ‘The Case of the Triggered Memory’, she joined her interests in how scientific knowledge is

Analogue Astronauts – Sabrina Kerber & Charlotte Pouwels

Analogue Astronauts missions are all about visualisation. The main focus on conventional analogue missions is to investigate how a crew of up to 6 astronauts fares on a mission of 1 week to 6 months. This includes scientific research in various disciplines but also aspects of mental

Tobias Seidl about bio engineering and imagination. Find the podcast here.

Freya Blekman is an experimental particle physicist and lead scientist at DESY, Germany’s largest accelerator centre. Find the podcast here.

Science meets Fiction

In partnership with Focus Film Theater, I curated a series of four captivating evenings that explored the intersection of film, science, and fiction. Throughout the evenings held in October 2022, we showcased a selection of science fiction films, including “The Martian,” “Interstellar,” “Inner Telescope,” and “E.T.” We also engaged in enlightening discussions with prominent figures from the realms of science and art, such as Professor Anna Watts, Dr. Wieger Wamelink, Marc Heemskerk, Anna Sitnikova, George van Hal, and Virgile Novarina. Together, we delved into the intriguing question of when and where fiction and science converge within these cinematic narratives.

If you share a passion for the fascinating realm where science and fiction meet, are interested in exploring the role of imagination in the context of space science, or would like to explore the possibilities of organizing a science fiction lecture or film program, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.


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